Home Remedies For Ear Mites In Dogs

Laura Evans |
July 18, 2023


When it comes to the health and wellbeing of our beloved pets, ear mites in dogs can often become a common concern. These tiny parasites can inflict discomfort and, if unchecked, can lead to serious health problems. It is therefore essential to understand ear mites, their symptoms, treatment, and prevention methods.

It’s normal for a dog’s ears to have a slight yellow or brownish tint to it due to wax. But if you’re seeing a dark, coffee-ground-like discharge, then there’s no doubt about it, your dog has an ear mite infestation and needs help.


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What are Ear Mites?

Ear mites, known scientifically as Otodectes cynotis, are minuscule, eight-legged parasites that predominantly inhabit the ears of pets. Though barely visible to the naked eye, they are a significant cause of discomfort in dogs and other animals. Ear mites feed on the wax and oils in an animal’s ear canal, leading to inflammation and irritation.


How Do Dogs Contract Ear Mites?

Ear mites are extremely contagious, primarily spreading through direct contact from one pet to another. Dogs living in multi-pet households or those spending time in shared environments like kennels or animal shelters are particularly susceptible. Additionally, puppies are at a higher risk due to their immature immune systems. Furthermore, breeds with floppy ears may be more prone to ear mite infestations, as their ear structure provides an ideal environment for mites to thrive.


Signs and Symptoms of Ear Mite Infestations

Ear mites can cause several observable symptoms in dogs. The most obvious sign is excessive itching and scratching of the ears. Dogs with an ear mite infestation may also frequently shake their heads, indicating discomfort.

Physically, an affected dog’s ears may have a dark, coffee-ground-like discharge. This discharge is a mixture of blood, ear wax, debris, and ear mites themselves. An unpleasant odor from the ears is another common symptom.

In more severe, untreated cases, these symptoms can progress to skin infections, aural hematomas (blood blisters in the ear), and even hearing loss.

If you notice these symptoms and are unsure of what to do, consulting a 24/7 pet helpline can help determine the severity of your pet’s condition and whether a vet visit is required.

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If you notice any symptoms of ear mites, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian immediately. The vet will perform a thorough examination of your dog’s ears, usually with an otoscope, to look inside the ear canal. They may also take a sample of the ear discharge for microscopic examination to confirm the presence of mites. When you notice signs of ear discomfort in your pet, a 24/7 pet helpline can be an invaluable first line of defense. These telemedicine services provide immediate, round-the-clock advice from veterinary professionals. They can help identify whether your pet’s symptoms suggest an ear mite infestation and guide you on the next steps to take, potentially saving you a trip to the vet’s office or providing reassurance that immediate professional care is needed. Ensure your pet’s well-being without compromising your financial stability – enjoy peace of mind with Lemonade’s pet insurance offering comprehensive coverage, hassle-free claim processing through their user-friendly app, and up to 90% reimbursement rate, providing a seamless online experience. Sign up in seconds. Get paid in minutes.

Treatment and Aftercare

Once an ear mite infestation is confirmed, treatment typically involves a two-step process: cleaning the ears to remove discharge and debris, followed by the application of a prescribed medication. This medication, often topical, is designed to eliminate the mites and may need to be used for several weeks to ensure the entire lifecycle of the mites is targeted.

In some cases, oral medication may also be prescribed. It’s crucial to continue the treatment for the entire recommended duration, even if the symptoms seem to have subsided, to ensure the complete eradication of the mites and prevent a recurrence.

After treatment, regular follow-up visits to the vet are necessary to monitor your dog’s progress and confirm that the mites have been fully eliminated.


Home Remedies For Ear Mites In Dogs

While veterinary advice and prescribed treatments are essential for effectively addressing ear mites in dogs, there are several home remedies that can serve as supplementary measures to alleviate symptoms or help in the prevention of re-infestation. However, always consult your veterinarian or a pet helpline before trying out any home remedies.

  • Olive Oil or Almond Oil: Both oils are known for their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Gently warming a bit of oil and using a dropper, you can apply a few drops in your dog’s ears. The oil can help to suffocate the mites, while also helping to soften and remove built-up wax and debris.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can create an environment in the ears where mites cannot live. Mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution to the inside of your dog’s ears, but be careful not to insert it too deeply.

  • Garlic and Olive Oil: Garlic has natural antibacterial properties. By soaking crushed garlic in olive oil overnight, you can create a natural remedy to repel ear mites. Remove the garlic and warm the oil to apply it using the same method as mentioned above.

  • Green Tea: Brew a green tea bag and allow it to cool. Using a dropper, introduce some of the cooled tea into the dog’s ear. Green tea’s natural antiseptic properties can help alleviate irritation.

  • Yellow Dock Root Extract: Available in health stores, yellow dock root extract can be mixed with water and used as a natural astringent to clean out the ears and alleviate itching.

  • Honey: Being a natural antiseptic, honey can be applied to the inner ears of dogs. It can help alleviate irritation and inflammation caused by ear mites. However, ensure the dog doesn’t shake its head and spread the honey around, creating a sticky mess.

While these home remedies can be useful in alleviating symptoms and discomfort, it’s essential to note that they may not entirely eradicate ear mites. Always consult with a veterinarian if you suspect an ear mite infestation in your dog and follow professional advice for treatment.

Furthermore, be observant. If any remedy causes increased discomfort or an allergic reaction, discontinue its use immediately and consult a vet.


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Prevention is an essential aspect of managing ear mites. Regularly check your pet’s ears for signs of infestation, particularly if they are frequently in the company of other animals. Good ear hygiene can also help keep ear mites at bay.

If one pet in a multi-pet household is diagnosed with ear mites, all pets should be treated simultaneously to prevent cross-infestation. Additionally, limiting your dog’s exposure to environments and animals known to have mite infestations can significantly reduce the risk.



Ear mites can pose a significant threat to our canine companions’ health and comfort. However, with early detection, appropriate treatment, and diligent preventive measures, they can be effectively managed. Understanding ear mites is the first step to protecting your pets, ensuring they remain happy, healthy, and free from discomfort. Ensure your pet’s well-being without compromising your financial stability – enjoy peace of mind with Lemonade’s pet insurance offering comprehensive coverage, hassle-free claim processing through their user-friendly app, and up to 90% reimbursement rate, providing a seamless online experience. Sign up in seconds. Get paid in minutes.

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